Book Nicole for a conference keynote, panel presentation, or guest lecture.

Nicole Cushman is sought-after for her public speaking skills, ability to address sensitive topics in an accessible manner, and skill at communicating complex concepts to a range of audiences. From her home base in New York City, she is available to travel nationally and internationally.


Keynotes & Panels

Nicole has been a featured speaker at the Social Good Summit, YouTube Impact Lab, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Women’s City Club of New York, and the State Sex Education Summit, among other places.


Conferences & Guest Lectures

Nicole has delivered conference presentations at the American Public Health Association, American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists, Healthy Teen Network, and many others. She has given guest lectures at Columbia University, Rutgers University, Sonoma State University, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, and University of Southern California.

Social Good Summit at the 92nd Street Y, 2018